
Selasa, 10 April 2012

All About Me

Asalamualikum Wr. Wb….
Hi….. sohbat blogger I want to try tell you about all of me.
The first my name is Rika Afsari but you can call me rika, I  birth on 25 April 1993. My hobby is write story. The big my ambition is make my parent proud of me and I want to go a broad. I am first child from Jasmani dan Pujiati . I birth with happiness and trouble.
I grow up and be raised at one village on the central city. A pretty angel named Mother which make me grows to become healthy child, funny.  And her love unhappily which never hangs up to make me growing become bobbysoxer that she said its prettiest child at the world....  J  
I can breathe in a breath of air, see is beautiful the world, have a lot of friend, get school at lovely place. That all because  of a super hero that always tries to do whatever for my happiness . He is willing built before crow chicken to look to search of rupiah so his child can live reasonably.  Maybe he is the most father figure admirably. When a lot of father be daub asleep but my father was built and working fortissimo. He is my big motivator that make me can live and try do the best.
I am happy because Alloh bears me from womb of angel   that have soft heart  and  devout as that. I am proud can live from  my father that working  effort as hard  that just for us.
            Everyone maybe  pride to have rich oldster, a that rank high. but no  for me. I so pride and never downs on narrow bones with my situation currently have angels that always make me smile, fight, funny and heavy duty.
            I even raised not alone. I have 1 sister and 2 brothers  that really tremendous meaning at my life. They are my rainbow, they make me try do get that achievement so they  can proud to have sister as like me. I am person that not fun for them.  Specially for my sister  because I often make she cry. That all is not because I hate but I as like that I can show my love. The  secondly brother which does ever make me pride and perceive minder because really at educational he not overexcited but her maintain a goal to become entrepreneur  as my uncle that rich , that it can make happy us cognate. Emmmm….. present a little angel in our  live that make us  always full of color. as well as rainbow emergence at space that make changed sky atmosphere as beautiful and fun. My life is so beautiful with them. Maybe  for world father , mother, sister and brothers only someones but for me they are MY  WORLD.  ^_^

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